Entries in Art Residency (7)
Transborderart Fellowship

TransBorder Art Fellowship, Residency Governors Island, NY, September 2023.
September 23, 2023 #406A Colonels Road, Fellow Resident Brigitta Varadi Solo Shows, Hunia

Interview by Maria Stefanoni at the NARS Foundation

Please click to link to read

fund:it for the International Artist Residency Program at NARS Foundation

I have created a fundraising campaign through Fund it for my art residency at the NARS Foundation. The fundraising will help towards the cost of travel, materials, accommodation, food and exhibition.I am offering my work in return for your support.The created works for fund:it supporters will be based on the work I develop in my New York residency.

Arthur Guinness Project for the NARS Foundation Residency award, New York.

please click on the link to vote: https://www.arthurguinnessprojects.com/arts/artist-in-residence
The Arthur Guinness Projects accepted my submission but now I need as many votes as I can to get to the second stage. Only at the second stage the jury will look at my proposal. Voting is open till the August 23rd 2013.
Please help me by voting to win this prestigious award.
Thank you for your support!
Curator visit and final presentation at ChaNorth

Final Presentation at ChaNorth, Chashama Residency June- July 2014.
Abby Hertz, curator for the 'Of the Land' Exhibition, called in for a studio visit. 'Of the Land' group show at Chashama Exhibition Place in New York, February 2014

Chashama Residency, ChaNorth, NY, USA

Chashama Studio Residency, NY, USA. 7. June-7. July 2013. Chashama North offers a serene residency for artists of multiple disciplines to work, providing dedicated studio time away from the distractions of everyday life. Chashama supported creativity in New York City for the past 18 years.
Selected Resident Artists, Season II.: Ashley Lynn Szczesiak, Samantha Silverman, Elizabeth King, Roxanne Jackson, David A Preddy, Brigitta Varadi
Supported by Arts Council of Ireland, Travel and Training Bursary and Chashama.