Entries in Art Residency (25)



Art residency at the Limerick Prison, Ireland , September 2013. The Award is co-funded by the Arts Council of Ireland and the Department of Justice, Equality and Reform and administered by the Prison Education Service.


Curator visit and final presentation at ChaNorth



Final Presentation at ChaNorth, Chashama  Residency June- July 2014.

Abby Hertz, curator for the 'Of the Land' Exhibition, called in for a studio visit. 'Of the Land' group show at Chashama Exhibition Place in New York, February 2014 


Chashama Residency, ChaNorth, NY, USA

Chashama Studio Residency,  NY, USA. 7. June-7. July 2013.  Chashama North  offers a serene residency for artists of multiple disciplines to work, providing dedicated studio time away from the distractions of everyday life. Chashama supported creativity in New York City for the past 18 years.

Selected Resident Artists, Season II.: Ashley Lynn Szczesiak, Samantha Silverman, Elizabeth King, Roxanne Jackson, David A Preddy, Brigitta Varadi
Supported by Arts Council of Ireland, Travel and Training Bursary and Chashama.



Visual Artists in Prison Scheme Award.

Art residency at the Limerick Prison, Ireland , December 2012. The Award is co-funded by the Arts Council of Ireland and the Department of Justice, Equality and Reform and administered by the Prison Education Service.


TRADE 2011 art residency programme

TRADE  2011 art residency programme 
2011 residency programme where two Roscommon and two Leitrim artists are working with New York based artist David Michalek over the course of the year concluding with the TRADE seminar in 1-3 December 2011, DOCK Arts Centre, Carrick on Shannon.
TRADE is a collaborative visual arts programme between Leitrim and Roscommon County Councils providing knowledge, resources and opportunities for visual artists to engage internationally. Rather than considering ‘rural’ as ‘isolationary’, TRADE emphasises that art is a global construct and encourages a freeflow of ideas and opportunities both for local artists to engage internationally as well as for international artists to participate locally.   
Talk About Fracking Exhibition:2nd-6th December 2011, ercantile Plaza, Carrick on Shannon opened by Declan McGonagle, Director of the National Collage of Art and Design

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