Contemplating OTHER: I know you are, You know I am

Gallery Route One
Invited Artists: Alice Escott, Linda Guenste, Brigitta Varadi,
Curated by Patricia Watts
Thursday, December 21 through Sunday, January 28
Opening Reception: Thursday, December 21, 3 - 5 PM, Artists' Talk, 2:30 - 3 PM
Salon: Sunday, January 28 4 to 5 PM
In Contemplating OTHER, three artists reflect on human-animal relationships. Selected by Curator
Patricia Watts, artists Alicia Escott, Linda Guneste, and Brigitta Varadi examine how our human
relationship with animals has dramatically altered over time. As world populations continue to rise
and as wild spaces are reduced due to human encroachments, our heightened interactions with
animals expand our awareness of both ourselves and other. As individuals, our consciousness of the
boundaries between humans and animals ultimately determines our own fate as a species. Having
become dependent on animals for psychological and nutritional needs, human beings don't often
know where the self ends and the other begins.
Press: Marin Arts, Arts and Culture Guide , Ecoartspace, Marin Magazine, Sonoma Index-Tribune, SFGate, San Francisco Eventful