
A Public Intervention
Brigitta Varadi is hosting Goldenrod, a public intervention on Friday, October 30th from 2 – 4pm at the Maxon Mill & on October 31st from 3 – 5pm at the Luther Barn.
The work examines, through the reassessment of a daily activity, how memory can inform our present day perspectives and artistic expression.
Please join her for a cup of tea.
The story of the Goldenrod Tea:
When I was little my grandmother took me with her to collect herbs which she turned into teas, creams and tinctures. I grew up by the fragrance of drying herbs; there was always a cream or tea simmering on the stove.
During my walks in Wassaic, NY, I came across a meadow on Deep Hollow Road shimmering in golden yellow under the sun.
Goldenrod has long been used as herbal medicine among Native Americans who introduced the herb to the colonists. After the Boston Tea Party, the herb became the main source for tea: it became known as ‘Liberty Tea’.
Your organic 100% biodegradable tea bag contains handpicked and dried goldenrod (solidago odora).
- Brigitta Varadi